I like speed, and ironically I have the tickets to show for it. For those of you (myself included) who like to view the speed limit as more of a guideline, and use the "Five miles over is more than OK" mentality, then you should consider investing in a radar detector.
Let's face it, speeding tickets are expensive, and it doesn't do too well for your insurance either. While browsing the web I stumbled across this little device. It is the Escort Passport 9500ix. Simply known as one of the better radar detectors available.
According to consumer search this both warns of speed and red light cameras, has the best long radar detection, and an auto learn feature that limits false alarms. Which is a major bonus in comparison to some of the other radar models. The company that produce this particular model, has an excellent track record for putting out great products. And according to Amazon.com and customer testimony, it lives up to its name, with an average rating of four out of five stars.
Bottom line it is a great product, and will take time to get used to. But it is well worth the cost. How much is it? Well it can be assumed that this may be the con for the device. Perhaps one of the more expensive models, this one in particular ranges from $500 to $600. But the way I see it, at least no more speeding tickets...right?
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